Remember these videos? They are all first place ‘Youbie’ winners! 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 Are you interested in having your business/organization on this list? Then please enter your video in this year’s 6th Annual YouTube Video Awards! Here are the rules: You must be an active GLCC member to submit […]
When teaching Social Media seminars there is always one question I can count on people asking. “What is a hashtag and how should I be using it for my business? There are so many reason why hashtags are a great marketing tool. Here are some ways you can use hashtags […]
We are excited to announce that we were named one of the Top 100 Social Media Friendly Chambers of Commerce for 2013! Thousands of Chambers throughout the country were looked at and 550 Chambers qualified. We ranked #39 overall and are one of two Massachusetts Chambers (Greater Boston was ranked […]
Guest Blogger: Michael Kern from Inform Local Learning how to rank higher in Google Maps will improve the amount of calls you receive, and traffic to your website or storre front. The traffic and phone calls come from locals in your area that are searching for your products or services. […]
We’re so excited to annouce that we can now add your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn URLs to your member listing on our website. This makes it even easier for you to build your fanbase and be found by the thousands of people that go to our website! Just email your […]
Follow the GLCC, City of Lowell and the Cultural Organization of Lowell (COOL) on Facebook and Twitter and be the first to hear about savings deals and special events!
Now that you’ve implemented some or all of the tips mentioned in part 1 of Simple Ways to Promote Your Facebook Page, we wanted to give you some more tips to play with! Facebook ads Take out a Facebook ad to generate a fanbase on Facebook. Just go to the […]
Our members are always asking us how they can leverage their presence on Facebook. Here are some easy tips to implement: Establish a custom/vanity URL: To do this go to and the site will walk you through it. Make sure everything is spelled correctly because once you hit confirm […]
We joined YouTube in June and in eight months our videos have been viewed over 2,850 times! Our YouTube channel is comprised of videos about Chamber benefits and events, a playlist from our First Annual YouTube Video Awards and of course dozens of videos about our members! One of the […]
by Danielle at Greater Lowell Chamberin Social Media
We love Twitter! Why? It’s a great way to reach a large audience (and fast!), it’s extremely time efficient and an easy method to give and get information. Another reason why we love it? It’s free and if you haven’t figured it out yet, we love free at the Chamber! […]