On May 18th, Governor Baker announced his plans for reopening the Massachusetts economy. Throughout this pandemic, we have been working on compiling the information and resources you may need to help your business/organization pivot and succeed while planning for an eventual new normal. (Please note that Phase 4 will NOT […]
We are all experiencing difficult times and the Chamber is not immune to that. Many people don’t know that we are a not-for-profit organization that doesn’t receive or rely on funding from the municipalities we serve, the State or Federal Government, or event grants. Since we are a 501(c)6, we […]
Several communities are enticing you to Keep it Local in their communities! Check it out and visit our Eat Local page for a list of our members who are currently open. Chelmsford: Spend Local to Win $25! Visit their Facebook page for all the excitement! Hashtag: #SpendLocalToWin$ […]
Join us as we celebrate our community pride with a socially distanced spirit week! This event is a partnership between the Chamber, City of Lowell and EforAll, Lowell Plan and the LDFC (want to join in on the fun? Email Danielle!). Let’s flood our newsfeeds with positivity and show everyone […]
Join the Greater Lowell Chamber of Commerce and UniCare for a Virtual Food Drive to benefit the Merrimack Valley Food Bank! For every box or can of food donated to the MVFB, UniCare will match up to $2,000! Items needed for the Merrimack Valley Food Bank’s Virtual […]
Public Health Resources available through the Lowell Community Dial 211 if you need assistance finding food, paying housing bills, accessing free childcare, or other essential services (or visit this link). What You Need To Know from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID-19 Guidance and Recommendations from Mass.Gov Lowell […]
Here’s a list of useful notes and recordings: Facebook Live with Congressman Seth Moulton and the SBA TRANSCRIPT: Senator Warren Joins Mayor Walsh and Boston Small Business Leaders to Share Details of the Relief Coming in the Latest Legislative Package Senator Markey Small Business Call Local Legislator COVID-19 Zoom with […]
Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA): For Individuals Not Covered Under Traditional Unemployment Insurance (Self-Employed, Gig Economy Workers, Others) The program open to the following individuals: – Self-employed individuals, including gig workers, freelancers, and independent contractors – Those seeking part-time employment – Claimants that have an insufficient work history to qualify for benefits […]
Employers Businesses and nonprofits are experiencing an unprecedented time of uncertainty. There are resources you may want to consider before laying off employees including Rapid Response, WorkShare and the Paycheck Protection Protection Program (PPP). If you have specific questions for the Massachusetts Department of Unemployment Assistance please direct them to […]
U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) (Click here for the SBA webinar we hosted with Middlesex 3 Coalition, SBA, Massachusetts Office of Business Development, Burlington Area Chamber of Commerce and the City of Lowell.) There are several funding options through the SBA including Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), EIDL Loan Advance (see […]