Our #Shop978 Campaign will officially launch on June 3rd! We’d love ALL area retailers, restaurants, entertainment venues, and arts & culture businesses to participate. WHY PARTICIPATE? #Shop978 is a summer-long campaign that will provide participating businesses marketing and promotion via social media, the Greater Lowell Chamber of Commerce, and more! By providing […]
The Chamber EDGE met on May 11th to discuss Post-Covid Digital Marketing Strategies. Thank you to Brian Bahia, founder and President of Stellar Web Studios, and Hans Riemer, Founder and President of Market Vantage for leading the conversation. Here are their presentations: Digital Marketing courtesy of Brian Bahia Post Covid Marketing courtesy […]
Enterprise Bank is excited to bring you the latest in digital banking with their Digital Wallet service. Enterprise Bank’s Digital Wallet service allows for added convenience while shopping, increased security, and more ways to pay! Getting started is simple, click here for more info!
May 2-8, 2021 is Small Business Week! Here are some of the ways you can celebrate: Sunday, May 2nd: Sunday Funday! Go on an adventure somewhere in Greater Lowell you haven’t been before! #MyLocalMA Monday, May 3rd: @Mention Monday Mention your favorite local small business and tag them on social […]
We are so excited to announce that we are a recipient of a Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism FY21 Travel and Tourism Recovery Grant! #MyLocalMA This funding will be used to launch the #Shop978 Campaign to help drive traffic to our local entertainment venues, restaurants, retailers, and artists throughout […]
Enterprise Bank invites you to join them for their upcoming virtual Non-Profit Collaborative seminar, Using Data to Advance Equity in our Community During the Pandemic and Moving Forward. Thursday, May 6, 2021, 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. Virtual Zoom Seminar REGISTER HERE In June of 2020, Lowell Community Health Center’s Board […]
Want to help Greater Lowell’s small businesses after a trying year? Take the #Shop978 Pledge! It’s so easy, join us with 5 friends (or go it alone!) and pledge to each shop and eat (dine-in or take-out) local once a week for 3 months to help save Greater Lowell’s small businesses! […]
2021 YouTube Video Awards presented by We are excited to announce that the finalists for the YouTube Video Awards are Marcotte Law Firm, Worthen House Cafe, CoWorks @ Vita Therapia, Marte Media, Lowell Parks & Conservation Trust, The Wish Project and CardsbyDot powered by SendOutCards! Vote Here! Please view the […]
We are very excited to be working with The Sun again on our 2024 Community Guide! The Community Guide will be distributed on June 2, 2024 to over 55,000 readers in addition to being shared through the Chamber’s network. The digital version will live on the Chamber and Lowell Sun […]
The GLCC is excited to announce that we are bringing back the YouTube Video Awards presented by Enterprise Bank! REGISTER HERE! Enter: – Create a video that is no longer than 90 seconds. – Upload your video to YouTube. – Email the link to Danielle at dmcfadden@greaterlowellchamber.org. – Deadline to Enter: […]