Website tip #2, Use intuitive navigation.

“Primary navigation options are typically deployed in a horizontal [menu] bar along the top of the site,” Provide “secondary navigation options underneath the primary navigation bar, or in the [left-hand] margin of the site, known as the sidebar.”

Why is intuitive navigation so important? “Confusing navigation layouts will result in people quitting a page rather than trying to figure it out,” So instead of putting links to less important pages–that detract from your call to action or primary information–at the top of your home or landing pages, put “less important links or pieces of information at the bottom of a page in the footer.”

Please contact Ronald Couming, and the team at RCS Technology Solutions, 978-606 5432 for a FREE evaluation of your website

From RCS Technology Solutions. LLC

4 Mt. Pleasant St Suite 203
North Billerica, Mass 01862


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