Voicemails Worthy Of Call Backs

When prospecting, should I or shouldn’t I leave a voicemail?

If you have created a targeted voicemail that states the reason for your call, including a well-thought-out value proposition, then absolutely, YES leave a voice mail. If you’re leaving “touching base” voicemails or “checking-in” voicemails, then don’t bother.

Voicemails should be part of every sales professional’s contact and messaging strategy that combines calls, e-mails and other relative tactics of getting your message in front of target prospects. If your contact strategy includes quality and relevant messaging each time, then this increases the chances of a prospect responding. The prospect may not call you back from your voicemail but if they see a thoughtful follow-up e-mail, combined by hearing your concise voicemail, you may spark their “intrigued” button enough for them to respond.

The question isn’t whether or not to leave voicemails, it’s how do you leave great voicemails?

Check out the 8 voicemail tactics I recommend you embrace by copying this link: http://www.tps.sandler.com/blog/voicemail-tactics-worthy-or-callbacks and pasting it in your browser.

Good Selling!

From Sandler Training

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