New Clock Repair Shop in Downtown Lowell Announces an Open House

Come help owner Dug North celebrate the opening of his new clock repair shop at an open house to be held on Saturday, February 22nd from 2:00PM to 5:00PM at the newly renovated Gates Block.
Enjoy some light refreshments, learn how mechanical clocks work, and enter to win an antique pocket watch. Visitors will get a 10% discount on purchases and a $25 discount on clock repair services arranged during the hours of the open house. Visitors can also enter to win an antique pocket watch. Afterward, grab a bite to eat downtown and enjoy all of the city’s evening Winterfest events.
The Gates Block is located at 307 Market Street, across from Harmon’s Paint and Wallpaper. Dug North’s clock repair workshop is located on the fourth floor, across from the elevator in Studio 411.