Local Red Cross Needs Your Help

The American Red Cross Needs YOU to Help your neighbor in their greatest time of need
What if no one showed up when your home caught fire?
We expect the Fire Department and public safety people to respond but what if that was it?
The American Red Cross has made the commitment to be there when disasters strike, but we can’t do it by ourselves.
JOIN the American Red Cross Disaster Action Team! The American Red Cross of Massachusetts is seeking compassionate and committed individuals to join our Disaster Action Team.
Every day people are forced from their home due to fires, storms or other disasters. Our Disaster Action Team volunteers respond day and night to meet the immediate needs of their neighbors. Assistance given may include financial provisions for food, clothing and lodging, emotional support, prescription medication, and other critically needed items.
For More information or to request a Volunteer Application please email: MAVolunteers@redcross.og