Local Corporate Wellness Program
The new buzz words these days seem to be Health and Wellness. It is becoming more main stream to watch what you eat and make good lifestyle choices. But being healthy can be hard, especially if you are trying to make the lifestyle change for the first time. Support is key!
And our schedules are busy right? Many of us work full time-40 to 50 hour a week jobs and are tired at the end of the day. We get it! But what if you could get educated and make good decision while you were at your place of work? That would be so convenient right?
YOU CAN! Lowell General Hospital offers a robust Corporate Wellness program for companies and organizations in the Merrimack Valley. There are a variety of different options that can be brought on-site to your employees. We offer Lunch & Learn Programs, Screenings, Lunchtime fitness programs, we even have chair massage!
Studies have shown that a healthy workforce is a happy workforce and happy employees are more productive. Who doesn’t want more productive employees?
So let us help you on your organizations journey to wellness! We would love the opportunity to speak with you about your organizations wants and needs.
For more information please contact Amanda Clermont, Manager, The Center for Community Health and Wellness at 978-788-7368 or via email amanda.clermont@lowellgeneral.org
Hope to speak to you soon!