How to increase converstions on your website, RCS Technology Solutions

Every business owner with a company that has an online presence knows that there is no point in having a website that doesn’t convert. Are you ready to improve your website in 2016 in order to increase your conversions? Check out these 5 ways to turn your website into a conversion machine!

1. Test Call-to-Action Terms
The wording of the sales text on your website can really make all the difference when it comes to increasing your conversion rates. Try spinning actions terms such as ‘Buy Now’, ‘Order Now’, ‘Add to Cart’ or ‘Checkout’ to see which one gets the most clicks in a designated time frame and then edit your entire website to use that particular phrase.

2. Implement a ‘Live Chat’ Feature
Another excellent way to turn your website into a conversion machine is to be constantly available to potential buyers or clients and the best way to do so is by implementing an on-demand chat feature into the platform of your website.

3. Edit Headlines
You also want to go through your headlines and make sure they stand out. If any headlines could use a little reviving, edit them to make them more appealing to your visitors.

4. Offer a Bonus
Buyers love when they think they’re receiving something for free. With this being said, you may want to consider offering your visitors with a special bonus such as free shipping or free gift with purchase.

5. Upgrade Your Hosting
A slow website can deter visitors from purchasing, so you want to make sure your site is performing optimally. One way to do so is by avoiding free hosting plans or upgrading your current hosting. Once you upgrade your web hosting to a faster option, visitors will then be able to navigate your website easier than before. This should then lead to an increased conversion.

Please contact us,, for a free consultation. We also own RCS Online Solutions, and RCS Digital Marketing 978 606 5432 Ronald Coumig

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North Billerica, Mass 01862


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