An Almost Foolproof Plan to Increase Your Twitter Followers

We are living during a time that everyone shares, well, pretty much everything. Whether you like it or not, whether you agree with them or not. One thing we can all agree on it that it’s gonna fill up on your Twitter feed.
Twitter allows users to follow important topics, people, and conversations that are relevant or interesting to them as it happens… like a breaking news feed tailored to you and your interests. This type of connection will help you find prospects for your business. Now, how the honey to do you make sure the right people are following you?
Tweet Often, at the Right Times
Who is going to follow someone that never tweets? You should be tweeting at least once a day, but truthfully if you’re looking to be visible set your goal at 4-15 times a day. Along the same lines, make sure you’re not wasting your 140 characters. The best times to tweet are before tweeters head to work (before 9 am) or after they are finished for the day (after 6 pm). That’s right, weekdays over weekends. Don’t forget to cater to different time zones if your target audience is worldwide or across the country.
Use a Scheduling Tool
Don’t let the idea of tweeting upwards of 2,000 characters a day scare you. Tweeting regularly increases your visibility, reach and ability to engage and is manageable! Using a business tool like Hootsuite or Social Sprout to schedule your tweets keeps you visible and notification alerts let you stay in the conversation on your terms. Oh and don’t forget, weekend tweets between 1 pm and 3 pm and weekday tweets tend to get read more J
Share Others’ Tweets
Did you come across something that you loved or found interesting? Share it! You can retweet it (send it to your followers as is) or quote the tweet and add your comments in a new tweet. These are great ways to create a support network and encourage others to follow you and share your posts in return. Just be careful that you don’t go wild and retweet 50 tweets from the same users in one day, spread the love.
#Awesome #Connect #Power
You can’t deny the power of hashtags! Hashtags are an awesome way to connect with the twittersphere and attract new followers that have similar interests PLUS they will increase your visibility. But like everything in life, hashtags should be used in moderation. Pick one or two relevant or amusing hashtags, which add to your tweet. Don’t just add hashtags onto words that appeared in the rest of your tweet, or include them just for the sake of it.
Follow Your Followers
It may seem pointless to do this when you’re focused on gaining followers, but people who notice that you didn’t follow them back might unfollow you. Also, when you follow back, some people might respond to you publicly, which will give you some added exposure to their followers. Don’t worry about keeping up with that many people or tweets, you can be selective in who/what you read.
Keep it Cool
A tweeter typically checks a few recent tweets before deciding whether or not to follow an account. Be sure to have fun tweets that are informative and interesting. Mix it up; make sure you are sharing links, videos, and photos. Appeal to the visual senses too.
Twitter is one of the easier Social Media platforms to figure out. And when you get lost remember the golden rule of Twitter – use it to engage.