5 Web Design Tips that Will Help Increase your Bottom Line

Do you worry about getting double the number of visitors to your site? It’s time to stop worrying about the number of visitors, and start concentrating on increasing sales from people already visiting.
Marketers are quick to harp on the importance of SEO, social media and creating lead generation, yet having an excellent website design to start with is so often overlooked. While social media certainly matters, your web design isn’t just a “pretty face”; it can actually make or break your conversion rates.
Here are five tips that will help increase conversion from your current visitors!
BEE Mobile Friendly
Whether on a plane, train or automobile, the internet is always at our fingertips. For the sake of your business’s bottom line, those fingertips better not be resizing your webpage. Almost 70% of consumers say they are more likely to buy a site’s product or service if the website is responsive. Even more alarming, 1 in 2 people will NOT use a business who’s website is not mobile-friendly. With stats like that, what business can afford to not be mobile friendly?!?
How SWEET it is . . .
To work with you, so show everyone just how amazing it will be! Make sure your evidence isn’t just your mom – think client or partner testimonials, share posts where you received praise. Showcase awards you’ve won, publications you’ve been featured in, and logos of clients you have worked with. It doesn’t have to stop there; think about sharing videos and/or podcasts you have participated in. Be sure to scatter these tidbits of your awesomeness throughout your websites.
BEE Proactive
Not only do you want someone to visit your site, you want them to keep them coming back! Reports show that it takes 6-7 touches before a prospect becomes a (paying) client. By capturing a prospect’s email address, you can quickly build a solid email list. This will allow you to not only reach out to those prospects. If you use an email marketing company, you’ll see who is opening emails and clicking on links. This knowledge will help you target these prospects and turn them into clients faster! You’ll want to make sure your email list sign-up for is in prominent locations like the top of the page, the bottom of each blog article and your footer.
Keep readers BUZZING around your site
You work so hard to get prospects to you visit your website; now you have to work on keeping them there. A good way to ensure visitors are staying is by not over promoting your social media pages. Of course, you should have your icons somewhere on your website, but do not overdo it. Keep your social media presence muted with simple icons and only a couple unassuming “like” or “follow” options. When you inundate viewers with options to leave your page to go somewhere else, chances are they will fly off to another place.
BEE Visually Pleasing
Keep things simple. Select a color theme that represents your brand and does not exceed three colors whenever possible. When selecting fonts, consider these things. Keep fonts clear and easy to read. Remember the goal of your website is the engage the reader; if they cannot read the text, you will lose them. Use similar font styles to keep the look cohesive! And always remember less can be more, you do not need to fill every inch of your site with copy or pictures.
Now it’s time to put these tips to use and take a hard look at your existing design. How can you use these principles to improve your website experience?