5 Traits of Successful Sales Professionals. How Many Do You Have?

In spite of technological advancements that impact how we communicate, the world of sales is still very much a people and behavior business. What does that mean?
It means that as a sales professional, sales leader or business owner, you need to understand what will determine your success and how to develop relationships so that your customers and prospects will invest their time and money with you:
How do you measure up against these 5 successful traits?
1. They’re not talkers: They are great listeners. Successful sales professionals ask pointed questions allowing their prospect’s to tell their stories and share their pain. Its a basic human need to want to be understood. A successful sales person treats each sales interview as a unique encounter and allows the prospect to open up and discuss their specific situations.
Listen for and find the pain.
2. They’re not aggressive: They are assertive……they are professionally persistent. This is a big distinction. People don’t like a pushy salesperson. What will a prospect do when confronted with one? They will dodge, lie, and hide. Assertive means being confident enough to establish an agenda with outcomes. Successful salespeople ask probing questions that demonstrate expertise. They uncover the buyer landscape and the necessary investments.
3. They’re not closers: They allow the prospect to close themselves. No arm wrestling or uncomfortable moments. Successful sales professionals know how to run an effective process that motivates the prospect to WANT to buy their product or services. Successful sales professionals never appear that they are trying to sell or going for the close.
4. They’re not overly enthusiastic: They are confident and authentic. Should they believe in their product and service? Absolutely! But only from the perspective to mutually determine if their product or service is going to be a very good solution. The prospect can see right through a superficial act. Successful sales professionals don’t have to answer every question right away or handle every stall and objection with a glib comeback.
5. They’re not chasing the numbers: Successful sales professionals focus on their behaviors. Behaviors and activities that help them achieve their numbers (quota/ forecast). They focus their efforts on making targeted calls, networking, asking for referrals, setting meetings, going wide and deep, etc. They understand that these are the “leading indicators’ that will help them achieve their desired sales results.
Manage your behaviors, not the numbers, and your results will exceed expectations.
Download this additional resource if you would like to improve your selling process and qualify more prospects: http://www.tps.sandler.com/resources/downloads/why-salespeople-fail