5 Reasons you should Refer a Business

Consider this situation: A man walks up to you and offers you a big plate of pasta with a couple of meatballs. No matter what, you’re going to say no to this person. Now consider this: The same man walks up to you with the same plate of pasta, except now he’s with your best friend and your best friend tells you that you need to try this pasta! You’re likely going to trust the person that your best friend trusts and eat the pasta. It was surprisingly good too! That’s the power of a referral.
So why refer a business?
The more you give, the more you’ll receive
Have you ever heard the saying: “What goes around comes around?” Of course, you have. When you begin referring more, people you refer to will feel they need to repay you. It’s a very Godfather-esque system (minus the crime family stuff.) You do a favor for a company by referring people to them, and they’ll do the same for you.
Referring = Learning About People
You can’t just go around town referring people to everyone you meet like you’re the mayor. You have to learn about the people and the companies that you refer. If you don’t know enough about them, you might make a bad referral and look unreliable. Building strong relationships will lead to building more strong relationships. Be the Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson of referrals.
More referrals will up your cred
You don’t want to be a company with no influence. You want to be at the top. It’s not as sinister as being the puppet master pulling the strings behind the scenes, though. It’s much more positive than that. You’ll start to be viewed as an influencer- a resource to go to.
Helping others will make you feel better about yourself
It feels good to lend someone a hand- Unless you literally remove your hand and give it to someone. It’s a medically proven fact that that will hurt. Do not try it. But by helping others succeed, your self-confidence will grow, and your attitude will improve. Before you know it, your success will be blossoming like a beautiful spring flower.
Life is like being a movie star
Let us explain what that means. When you make a movie, you’ll receive a return for your effort. The return you make is entirely up to you. If you decided to make a good movie, you’d receive a positive return. If you decided to make a bad movie, you’d make a negative return. In other words, a good movie means more movie deals. And a bad movie means you’re back to eating frozen pizzas for a while. As it is with referrals, you won’t get a return of “one-for-one” you get a return of multiples. Better movies, multiple movie deals! Then maybe you can win an Oscar.