YP – Young Professionals of Greater Lowell

The catalyst for the formation of Young Professionals of Greater Lowell was the 2005 Lowell Plan Annual Breakfast. Beth Regan and Jen Kinkade, two Lowell High School seniors, issued a challenge to the crowd comprised of business and community leaders. They remarked that after college, they would strive to return to Greater Lowell to pursue their professional careers if the business community would continue its effort to create an attractive and prosperous environment for young people seeking opportunity. This challenge launched YPGL.

After a decade of successfully fulfilling YPGL’s mission, the organization merged with the GLCC in December of 2015 to bring the group to new and exciting heights.

YP continues to foster relationships among industries and to encourage additional young talent to recognize the opportunities available in the Greater Lowell area. We realize that today’s young talent will be tomorrow’s CEOs and Presidents. Whether you are interested in marketing your business, making new contacts, or just having a great time a YP networking event is the perfect way to learn more about the group.

All YP events are open to ALL young professionals (or the young at heart!). You do NOT have to be a Chamber member to attend YPGL events. 

YPGL Committee at our Kick-Off Event in January 2016 at Wamesit Lanes.

YPGL Committee at our Kick-Off Event in January 2016 at Wamesit Lanes.

Please be sure to like YP on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

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