Creating and Uploading a Video for the Lowell Shopping Network

Thanks for your interest in participating in the Lowell Shopping Network! If you choose to participate by creating a 2 minute video, you will receive an edited version back that you can share on social media, your website, etc. We STRONGLY encourage you to take advantage of that.

What Should Your Video Include?

  • Anything that you want consumers to know!
  • Don’t overwhelm with too much information – keep it short, sweet and upbeat!

Step-by-Step Video Tutorial 

1. Hold your phone horizontally

2. Tap the yellow square to focus

3. Record your video

4. Download as an iMovie or mp4 file

5. Upload the file to Dropbox or Google Drive and share the link with Soumita at and/or Sabrina at Another option is to directly upload to LTC’s cloud by following the directions below:

LTC Cloud Link:

File Station – Send to  LTC – Folder Name:  Lowell Shopping Network 2020

Login: ltcmember

Password: LTCcloud

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