We love the holiday season and wanted to offer our members a Chamber version of Cyber Monday! Please check out these great deals that are available through Sunday, December 8th. These offers are only available for GLCC members.
–> Click here to purchase. If you want more than one deal, you will need to contact Danielle at dmcfadden@greaterlowellchamber.org <–
Questions? Please contact us at 978-459-8154 and speak to Tara, Patti or Danielle. Prefer email? Danielle would love to hear from you!
–> Purchase Here! <—
Business Expo & Showcase with the Nashoba Valley Chamber of Commerce
Tuesday, October 20, 2020 at the Radisson Hotel & Suites in Chelmsford
6×7 booth – $500 – $100 savings
8×8 booth – $575 – $125 savings
10×8 booth – $650 – $150 savings
Marketing Packages
Gold Marketing Package – $50 a week (4-week commitment) – $50 savings per week!
Your logo with a link to your website on our homepage
- Your logo with a link to your website included in our weekly email blast
- 1 Social Media blast with your website on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages
- Come on Chamber Chat radio for a 2nd time (1st time is free)
- Excel spreadsheet with member list ($75 value)
Silver Marketing Package – $49 – $50 savings!
- Come on Chamber Chat radio for a 2nd time (1st time is free)
- Excel spreadsheet with member list ($75 value)
- Email blast ($75)
Instagram Takeover – $49 – $76 savings!
Takeover the Chamber’s Instagram account for a day or weekend! This gives you access to our audience and allows you to take folks through a day in the life of your business. Click here to see previous takeovers or simply search for the hashtag #GLCCTakeOver on Instagram! (All takeovers will be promoted on our Social Media sites and via email blast in advance.)
Social Media Blast – $25
- We’ll work with you to create a coordinated blast to go out on Facebook (3,690 followers, 3,160 likes), Instagram (1,200 followers), and Twitter (4,010 followers) on the date and time of your choice.
Email Blast Packages (3,000+ subscribers)
24 email blasts to use anytime throughout the year: $250 – $200 savings off the package price!
12 email blasts to use anytime throughout the year: $150 – $75 savings off the package price!
1 email blast: $49 – $26 savings!
* Email blasts are sent out on or around the 1st and 15th of every month, they are normally $75 a month. We currently have over 3,125 subscribers.
EXCLUSIVE – ONLY ONE AVAILABLE – Monthly Member Showcase Sponsor: $50 per month (6-month commitment) – $50 savings per month!
Our Monthly Member Showcase emails are sent out twice a month (more info above). Sponsor this email series and have your logo and flyer front and center for all to see!