8 Ways You Can Use Pokemon Go to Drive Traffic & Sales (and a Quick Tutorial)


Like many of you, I never thought I’d be talking about (or playing) Pokemon… But here we are, grown adults with the Pokemon Go app on our phones and tablets wonderingHOW can I use this craze to benefit my business? Luckily, in the past couple of weeks since the app went public, businesses have begun unlocking the power of Pokemon Go. This article with provide you with the Pokemon Go basics, as well as some ways that businesses are using Pokemon Go to drive foot traffic into their locations and generate sales (& buzz!).

First up, a few things you should know:

Pokemon Go: Is an app that works like a virtual scavenger hunt for Pokemon. It’s connected to your GPS, as well as your camera, allowing you to toggle between the virtual world and where you actually are playing. It’s a free app, but you can also make purchases within the app to enhance your ability to catch Pokemon and level up(advance in the game).

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