Non-Profit Matchmaking with the Young Professionals of Greater Lowell!



Are you a young professional (in age or at heart) looking to get involved in the non-profit community by volunteering or joining a board or committee? Please join the Young Professionals of Greater Lowell, the Career Development Initiative at Lowell General Hospital, and participating non-profits from the Greater Lowell Community to hear about all of the opportunities available to you.  Non-profits are always seeking people to assist them and this event will help you choose the right organization for your skills and availability.


Participating Non-profits include:

American Training, Inc.

Boys & Girls Club of Greater Lowell

Community Teamwork

Cultural Organization of Lowell (COOL)

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Lowell

Lowell Community Health Center

Lowell House Inc.

March of Dimes

Mental Health Association of Greater Lowell

Merrimack Valley Food Bank

Mill City Grows

Plummer Foster Care

Salvation Army

Lowell Humane Society


This event will be held at the Clark Auditorium in Lowell General Hospital, from 12-2 PM on Wednesday, June 8th.  Lunch will be provided, we hope to see you there! Click to Register.
The Young Professionals of Greater Lowell committee is sponsored by: Circle Health
circle health


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