Member Love Monday with LifeLinks, Inc.


Here at the Chamber we have the opportunity to meet and interact with many different companies, and we always especially enjoy companies that are making a difference in the lives of others, especially those in our community.  LifeLinks, Inc. is one of those companies, incorporated in 1954 as the Lowell Association for Retarded Children (LARC), it was founded by a small group of parents who wanted to improve the lives of their disabled children by creating a place where they would find dignity, respect, solace, comfort, and camaraderie.  Since their inception, they have been dedicated to providing a wide variety of programs and supports for adults and children with developmental and intellectual disabilities and their families.  Their services include group homes, shared living, independent living supports, day habilitation services, a family support center, and basic education.

LifeLinks strives to provide the best possible care they can, which is reflected in both their dedicated staff, as well as the quality of their programs.  They have built their reputation by serving those who may not have other options because of the level of care they require, and never shy away from people who are particularly fragile or have complex medical conditions, court involvement, clinically or behaviorally complex individuals, and elders whose memory is compromised. They don’t shy away from those who may be labeled as “difficult” to serve and will always go the extra mile to ensure that everyone who participates in their program receives the service they need.  The great thing about LifeLinks is that they are there for the families of the disabled as well.  Caring for a loved one with a disability can take its toll, and at LifeLinks they provide a support system so that no one ever feels alone, they are always there to help!

Now, you may be wondering how you can help support this wonderful organization that does so much to make a difference in so many lives.  Well, they are about to have their Fourth Annual Champagne and Champions Kentucky Derby Party on Saturday, March 7th and you’re invited to join them! It’s going to be at Vesper Country Club in Tyngsboro from 5-8 PM and is sure to be a great night for all who attend.  Watch live racing from Churchill Downs during the 142nd Run for the Roses, enjoy delicious hors d’oeuvres, special Derby-themed cocktails, raffles, a silent auction, contests for best dressed (men) and best hat (women), a red carpet, and live music by the Dick Carpentier quartet! Proceeds from this event will benefit the RecLinks Therapeutic Recreation Program, which helps create opportunities designed to promote health and wellness for people with developmental disabilities.

So, are you as impressed as we are by LifeLinks?  We sure hope so, and we hope you’ll be able to join in the fun of their Kentucky Derby party and help to support the wonderful work they do!


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