Member Love Monday with Cards by Dot, Powered by SendOutCards

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We are more excited than usual for today’s Member Love Monday post, because we get to feature one of our favorite people, Dot Richards!  Dot runs her own business, Cards by Dot Powered by SendOutCards, a business that she started 1 year and 3 months before she was scheduled to retire from the Department of the Air Force after 37 years of Federal Service at Hanscom Air Force Base. One of her friends introduced her to SendOutCards just as she was wondering what she would do to supplement her pension so that she could continue to travel and contribute to her favorite charities, two things that she had regularly done while working full time. It was love at first sight when her friend, Anne, and other team mates showed Dot that she could get paid for sharing SendOutCards with others by simply asking them if they wanted to get involved either as a customer or marketing distributor.

What is SendOutCards you might be wondering? SendOutCards is an on-line greeting card and gifting system.  The system gives customers the ease of sending cards and gifts without having to go to the store, it’s also a fraction of the cost as well.  Pictures and personal messages make these cards totally unique at a cost of $1.17-$1.98 (plus .49 postage) depending on if you sign up for a monthly subscription.  sendoutcards 2

With SendOutCards you can create cards on your computer, tablet or even your smart phone and once you hit the “Send Card” button, SendOutCards prints it, stuffs it in an envelope, addresses it, stamps it and puts it in the mail for you, all within 24 hours of you hitting the “Send Card” button. Not only is this great for personal use, it’s also a huge resource for businesses who want to retain their customers while making a great impression.  Often time’s customers leave businesses because of a sense of perceived indifference.  It’s not that the business has done anything wrong, it’s just that the customers feel as though they won’t be missed.  SendOutCards offers a personal touch that reminds customers that they are important to businesses, and it’s certainly something they won’t forget.

Just back from the SendOutCards 10th Annual International Convention held at Disneyland in Anaheim, California, Dot is anxious to share the new customer relationship marketing packages with her customers as well as prospective customers.  Be sure to watch the community calendar for upcoming Holiday Card and other Card Workshops that Dot holds at Lowell Telecommunications, 246 Market Street in Lowell.  Her next workshop is going to be Wednesday, Sept 23rd from 6:30-8:30.  She’ll also be ramping up some Coffee and Cards with Dot meetings at the Java Room in Chelmsford.

If you are a business that is looking to gain and retain clients or customers, you should be talking to Dot and taking SendOutCards out for a test drive!

To learn more you can check out her website, follow her on Twitter, “Like” her on Facebook, or call her at 978-204-4383.


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