Member Love Monday with Ava Anderson Non Toxic by Shirley Smith

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When someone truly loves what they do and believes in their business, it definitely shows, and Shirley Smith is one of those people.  Shirley sells Ava Anderson products, and if you haven’t heard of them, we are more than happy to tell you about them!  Founded in 2009, Ava Anderson Non Toxic was created by a young woman who was shocked to discover how many harmful ingredients are in products that are used on a daily basis.  She wanted an alternative that was truly safe, and so Ava Anderson Non Toxic was founded.  All of her products are non toxic, a label which can often be used without regulation, but in the case of Ava Anderson, her products are actually truly, non toxic.  As they say, it is the only completely safe line “for babies to grandparents”, and did we mention that all of the products are made right here in the USA?

Shirley told us about why she decided to get involved in selling the Ava Anderson products, and it actually had a lot to do with one of her family members who had been diagnosed with cancer.  This family member was recovering but was told to avoid personal and household products with certain harmful ingredients.  They found that even after looking at the ingredients in products that were labeled as “Organic” or “Non Toxic”, some of the ingredients were in fact known to be harmful.  Like Ava, Shirley was shocked to find how toxic so many of the products are that we use on a daily basis, such as toothpaste for example.  For a while, it was a struggle to find over-the-counter products that were safe.  This is what spurred her excitement once she discovered the Ava Anderson line, all of the products were all-natural!

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Shirley’s goal is to educate anyone she can about these products, she wants people to become “label detectives” and read what ingredients are in the products they are using, and not just trust a label that says something is organic.  Once you begin to look closely at the ingredients, you will likely be shocked as to what you find.  Did you know that Europe bans 1,371 toxic chemicals from their personal care products?  You might be even more surprised to learn that the United States only bans 11!  That is why Shirley is so passionate about spreading the message of becoming a “label detective” and educating yourself on what is going into your body.  She is very passionate about these products because they are truly safe to use, and because they often help to improve certain skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, and more.  Of course they have products that you would use in your daily life, such as skin care, hair care, makeup, and scents, but they also have products that you may not need to use as often, such as bug spray, sunscreen, candles, products for your car, products for plants, products for your pets, products for babies, products for men, and so much more.

Want to learn more about the Ava products?  You can contact Shirley and host your very own avaHour!  An avaHour is quite literally one hour where you would get to discuss the products with Shirley, and then order what you are interested in.  Shirley will go into more detail about ingredients, becoming a label detective, and can answer any and all questions you may have.  We know that we learned a lot after talking with Shirley, and we hope that after reading this, you will too!



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