Live Free Chiropractic

Live Free 7It’s not often that we come across a business like Live Free Chiropractic, so when we do we feel so lucky to have them as Chamber members! Not only are they very pleasant and lovely to work with, they are a family-run business owned by Drs. Mary and Phil Falardeau. This husband and wife duo began their careers as Civil Engineering Majors at UMass Lowell, but after seeing the value of chiropractic care through first-hand experience, they both decided to switch their majors and transfer schools to pursue degrees to become chiropractors.

Live Free Chiropractic opened on February 2nd of 2015. Many of you may remember it as the day after the Super Bowl, or the day with one of many snowstorms that we got this winter, but for Dr. Mary and Dr. Phil it was the opening day of a business that they had been working towards for years, and from the moment you step inside you Live Free 3can tell that they truly love and believe in the work that they do. They believe that healing is an inside and outside process, and use the latest, state-of-the-art assessment technologies. They are unique in the way they heal their patients, as they do not do any cracking whatsoever. Instead, they use a hand-held adjustment instrument. They are very family-friendly and have patients of all ages, including children and pregnant women.

In addition to making their patients feel right at home, they also go out into the community to spread the message of the benefits of chiropractic care. They often have tables set up at various business over the weekend, so next time you’re running errands or doing some shopping keep an eye out for them, they are always thrilled to answer any and all questions you may have!

In addition to always being a friendly face in the community, they also do a lot to give back. During the month of June, they have been collecting donations of diapers which will be given to Marguerite’s Place, a transitional housing program for women and children in crisis. Their goal is to reach 1,000 before the end of the month, and there’s still time to help them reach that goal! All you have to do is pay them a visit if you’re in the Live Free 4Nashua area, and drop the diapers off at their office, conveniently located on East Dunstable Road.

It’s clear that Dr. Mary and Dr. Phil are always willing to go out of their way to help the community and their patients, and from working with them personally, they are just as wonderful as they sound! But don’t take our word for it, just take a look at some of the testimonials from their patients.   So, if you’ve been thinking about going to a chiropractor but haven’t found the right one, give them a call! They offer complimentary consultations where you can ask them any questions you may have and voice any concerns that have been on your mind.


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