Actionable Marketing Tips For Getting More Customers: Market Research on The Cheap!

Time is very precious, especially for the small business owner who sometimes has no choice but to perform practically every function in his or her business in order to be successful. Internet marketing can be very intimidating and confusing. Unfortunately, the internet is also where your customers are looking for you.   And to be successful, you must understand the ways in which your customer are looking for you and what they are telling you they want, so you can give it to them.

We will be providing you with a series of short, easy actionable tips that you can implement in your business to get more customers.

Market Research On The Cheap:

There’s no substitute for intelligence. Learning what your target market wants and wants to
know can cost an arm and a leg… or you can get a glimpse for free.

  • Type a keyword plus a ? into Twitter, and you’ll see what people are discussing on that topic.
    Tip: the keyword should describe your business and hopefully must also be listed on your
    website. If nothing shows up, then this means one or more of the following:

    • You have not chosen a keyword that best describes your business
    • Your website is not optimized to enable potential customers to find you
    • Your website is not visible and potential customers are NOT finding you when they search that keyword.

Use  to see what information people seek on your topic or keyword.
Browse the boards and categories on Pinterest – especially if yours is a visually oriented business.
The idea is to follow behind your target market on social media to see what content they share and
what questions they ask, then meet their needs and wants.

If you do this consistently, you will gradually develop a brand on social media, and new customers will find you, automatically, even when you are not doing any active marketing campaigns.

Need help with this? Just ask us. We’ll perform a free online competitive analysis for your business.

You will find us at  or email me at



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