The Power of a Post-It

On Friday, March 30th a group of us from the GLCC, City of Lowell, Center City Committee, Merrimack Valley Sandbox and UMass Lowell decided to take our Cash Mob idea Post-It style. We wanted to beautify the space at 43 Market Street with Post-It public art, inviting people to leave their mark on this great city. It’s really a simple concept with a huge impact… What do you Love about Lowell?

This is what my bright pink Post-It boasts:

The group of us placed our Post-Its and through the power of Social Media the wall of colorful sticky paper has continued to grow.  We even got recognition on Howl in Lowell (click here for the article).

This is what our Facebook fans had to say about their love for the Mill City:

  • The Arts, Visual and performing. – Normand Caron
  • I love that when you’re from Lowell, there are certain things that ppl from other cities just wouldn’t understand. We are a one of a kind city. Growing up in Lowell made me the woman I am today. – Jenn Tremblay
  • The diversity…the City of Lights Parade…Lowell Kids Week…the free concert series for Kids at BHP, incredible summer camps at Tsongas Industrial Center and LIFE ALIVE! – Jessica Burgess Smith
  • Walking along the Boulevard with my family and dog. – Donna McIntosh
  • The PEOPLE, DIVERSITY and CULTURE. – Louis Soares
  • I love walking around downtown and feel like it is home. Wonderful buildings, great stores, awesome restaurants, beautiful and friendly people. I LOVE Lowell! – Angela Vincent
  • I’ll second Life Alve and raise you great food all around! – Erin Caples
  • I love the diversity!  – Mark Umphrey II
  • I love that I was born there! – Gail Loperena
  • Fury’s Burgers, UMass Lowell, Tsongas Industrial History Center and French Toast at Ray Robinson’s! – Robert Forrant
  • Diversity, loyalty, history….. & who can forget the amazing restaurants (& M/A-COM FCU)! – Carla Waldo
  • Built on the backs of hard-working immigrant families, carving out a better life for their families. – Erin Caples
  • The Sun! And Callery Park – Antony Bradley
  • I love Lowell because of all that it has to offer… especially the history and cultural diverseness. – Lisa Kappler
  • Red bricks, art, and coffee at Brew’d. – Janet Egan
  • Mambo Grill! – Julie Bergeron
  • The sense of community and how passionate people are about Lowell. And Delicias Paisas… great Colombian food! – Jose Pino
  • I love the Victorian houses. Because of them Lowell has some of the coolest apartments around. I like walking around downtown n reading the history. – Matthew Dubois
  • The history!  The people and places past and present!! – Eileen Loucraft
  • Spinners, boott mills, and the trolley! – Annette Pilon Dion
  • The architecture – from Christian Hill to the Highlands and on to Downtown, Lowell has some amazing buildings. – Michele Pagliarulo
  • Folk festival, boarding house park, restaurants, people. – Patti Fielding
  • Canals, Cambodian food, mill architecture, the trolley, friendly people. – Sarah Moser
  • BOOTMILL sandwiches – Christos Maglaras
  • That fact that any part you go to you’ll find a friend. – Jac Aleksandr Casara
  • Fox hall dining – Mike Ferrari
  • Kerouac! – Matthew Dubois
  • The Fact that Residents (New and Old) never give up on this Great City! – Tom Tipa Golden
  • Just about everything! – Michael Breda
  • There’s a lot to like about Lowell, Massachusetts , that’s why I’m still here after 23 years. – Sovanna Devin Pouv

There’s still an opportunity to arm yourself with a post-it and your thoughts about why you love Lowell. Just head down to 43 Market Street and become a part of the Post-It mob!

– Danielle


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